According to the fine people at Shopify who run our sales platform March 2nd represents our official one year birthday. In the last year we've:
- Launched an exclusive product (Leather Book Covers)
- Launched a US and Canadian site. This is really easy thanks to Shopify. We've actually invested the bulk of our profit so far in their stock we've been so impressed with what they do.
- Launched our first exclusive dice set (Hawaii Sunset currently our subscription theme) with two more ready to go and eleven. YES we have ELEVEN exclusive dice designs underway including a collaboration with a major up and coming dice company.
- Filed and paid taxes as a company. Nothing makes you feel more like a real company then sending a lot of money to the government.
- Made some serious improvements to our marketing. We are now sponsoring a number of Podcasts and gaming conventions. (An incomplete list - we're working on logos)
- Been mentioned on Reddit multiple times by people we don't even know. We regularly wake up to dozens of emails and hundreds of Twitter and Facebook notifications now.
- Had our biggest sales day ever on Feb 28th. If every day was like Feb 28th this would be a very decent fulltime job.
Just want to take the time to thank you for all your support thus far. If you have any suggestions on what we can do better or differently we would really love to hear them. In particular we'd love any ideas on how to drive traffic to the site.